2 years mandatory service for every individual, what da hell am I thinking? Then again, what am I thinking, thay's it! That's the step our country needs to take to start heading in the right direction.
Because our country is lacking one thing more than all other, a strong morale. When people criticize our people as being idiots for re-electing our President or for obsessing over Paris Hilton and Britney Spears, they're wrong. We are not a country of morons, it is wrong to expect people to make a decision on something they have no conception of.
A large portion of this country (especially the youth) is made of two damaging mentalities:
1. People who don't want to work hard and who just want a free ride (the "The Hills" mentality).
2.People who only care about their own self interest, and are bound to become greedy and corrupt. They fail to see that they're neglection of issues that don't directly effect them will come back to hurt them (the hustler and wall street mentality).
Our country is as now, headed in the toilet, we have a war that no one is willing to pay for, fight for, or even face the consequence of leaving. We have a democratic system that is saturated with corruption, and major media essentially controls the minds of the people through fear, commercials and entertainment. We also have an array of pressing issues that need to be addressed such as global warming, social security and health care. Yet, we have not came together as a country on any of these, oh and that war.
Why is this?
It is because we have no sense of what it means to be part of a country, we are disconnected from the reality that we are all connected.
What do we do to fix this?
If each person worked in public service, whether it be the military, public works, a hospital, a research institution, for the government, for 2 consecutive years of their life...We would see change. People would be more enlightened as citizens and would make better decisions in the poll booth. They would be willing to take upon the responsibilites they hold as citizens instead of avoiding them (actually voting is one). The morale of the country would be booming.
Now I've taken into consideration this is not a pratical policy, however it is pracitical in its design, but only inpractical because the public is not ready for it (they don't want to take upon the challenge).
Here are some frequently asked questions about my plan:
1. I want money, how will I be paid?
The government will pay you for your service, and give you free room and board. This pay may not be enough to buy a mercedes with, it will however be enough to keep you happy and healthy?
2. How can the government force everyone to do this?
Well there are a few ways. They could actually force you, send you to prison if you refuse, but I think there's a better solution. The government could offer you a major incentive that would be essentially impossible to refuse such as free health care, social security, college tuition and/or citizenship (which would probably be the best solution but it might be unconstitutional).
3. How could the government pay for this?
The service pays for itself. If millions of people are suddenly doing projects and work for the government, well that's going to cut a lot of taxes, and that's going to stimulate the economy and provide revenue for the government. Also, this would be more efficient than just paying taxes because the work done will most definitely be effeciently done, unlike a lot of government handouts which do public works/military projects.
4. What would my life be like?
Whatever you do, it would be in a military like living scenario. You would live in a government station, and you would be given assignments. Exercise and manual labor would be required for everyone though a lot of people, like in the military, would primarily be doing jobs that fit your specialty as a person. In other words, you'd basically be doing the work you want to do, but you would have government assignments instead of having to look for a job.
5. Why is this good again?
We as citizens would gain a stronger sense of nationalism, know what its like to serve our country and be better citizens and people for it.
No President would advocate this, but this is the solution to our countries problems. We must strengthen our countries heart before we can test its muscle.
Brian Liebman